Some Guidelines To Take Into Account And Tasks To Develop Specific Skills

As we have pointed out before, ICT is an adequate means to encourage teamwork in the classroom. There are also other tasks that teachers can propose to promote collaborative projects in the classes.

Before mentioning some activities that work the team dynamics, it should be noted that educators should take into account some guidelines regarding the groups that form or the attitude that the same teacher should take:

The groups must be balanced, and the students must be of different visions, levels and ways of working. In this way, some learn from others that is one of the objectives of working as a team.

You have to establish some rules of communication. The teacher must give regulations and guidelines to the members of the group, thus avoiding conflicts and discussions. The educator has to act as a conductor and observer, establishing the objectives of the project and the development of the work.

The class distribution of equipment is essential. There has to be a comfortable organization, and the material and tools to be used in all the groups must be shared equitably.

As can be seen on our website, teamwork is one of the tools we admin essential in the education of our children. The values ​​and skills that can be developed with this model of work are numerous.